Scheme for Grant of Additional Scholarship to the Students of Other Backward Classes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, for Pursuing Higher Studies Anywhere in India after Secondary Level (Except Class XI & XII)


The scheme “Scheme for Grant of Additional Scholarship to the Students of Other Backward Classes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, for Pursuing Higher Studies Anywhere in India after Secondary Level (Except Class XI & XII)” was started by the Department of Social Welfare, Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The objective of the scheme is to provide additional financial assistance (Scholarship) to the OBC students belonging to the non-creamy layer of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for pursuing higher education after Secondary (X)/Senior Secondary (XII), in Government-recognized Polytechnic/ITI/College/University anywhere in India, as an incentive to supplement to the cost of their education.

Duration of Scholarship:

The award of scholarship once sanctioned shall be tenable from the stage at which it is granted to the student till the completion of the course, subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance, as certified by the Head of the Institution.

Funding Pattern of the Scheme:

The scheme shall be implemented by the Department of Social Welfare, Andaman and Nicobar Administration through the funds made available under the Union Territory Plan.


Value of Scholarship:

  1. Under this scheme, an amount of ₹1000/- per month shall be sanctioned to the eligible students belonging to the OBC category.

Payment and Mode of Disbursal of Scholarship:

  1. The scholarship shall be payable for a duration of ten months in an academic session.
  2. The scholarship shall be admissible only to the passed-out students of the previous academic session. (e.g. A student after passing Class XI/Class XII will be eligible for a scholarship only after he/she completes 1st year of the higher education/professional course )
  3. The scholarship amount shall be directly credited to the Aadhaar-linked bank account of the beneficiary by the Department of Social Welfare.
  4. The award of a scholarship will depend upon the fund availability in a particular financial year.


  1. The scholarship shall be open to students belonging to a non-creamy layer of OBC of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands listed in the Notification issued by the Andaman and Nicobar Administration dated 16th December 2005 and amendments therein.
  2. Only those students who belong to OBCs so specified and notified in relation to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and are domicile of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and who have passed Secondary (Class X)/Senior Secondary (Class XII) from a recognized Board of School Education and pursuing higher education in a recognized Institution/University shall be eligible for award of this scholarship.
  3. Only two children of the same parent/guardian shall be entitled to receive this scholarship. In case 2nd live birth is more than one child they all shall be eligible for the scholarship.
  4. The scholarship shall be awarded for pursuing the below-mentioned higher educational and professional courses on a regular/full-time basis and Post-Secondary/Senior Secondary level (after Class X or XII) courses in any of the Government-recognized institutions, anywhere in the country, such as:
  • All courses leading to a Degree of Graduation and Post-Graduation.
  • M.Phil, Ph.D., and Post-Doctoral Programmes (D.Litt., D.Sc. etc.)
  • Post-Doctoral Research in Medicine (Allopathy, Indian and other recognized systems of medicines), Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Design and Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary and allied Sciences, Management, Business Finance/Administration, Computer Science/Applications etc.
  • Post-Graduate Diploma courses in various branches of Management and medicine, Commercial Pilot License (including helicopter pilot and multiengine rating) course, etc.
  • C.A/I.C.W.A./C.S./I.C.F.A./ etc.
  • Graduate/Post-Graduate Courses leading to Degree, Diploma, or Certificate in areas like Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Nursing (B.Nursing), LLB, BFS, other Para-medical branches like Rehabilitation Diagnostics etc., Mass Communication, Hotel Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality Management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition & Dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services, etc. (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation, etc.) for which educational qualification is minimum Sr. Secondary (10+2).
  • Post Matriculation level non-degree courses for which educational qualification is Secondary Level (Class-X), for vocational stream, ITI course, 3 years Diploma courses in Polytechnic, etc.
  • Students pursuing Post-graduate courses in Medicine shall be eligible for this scholarship provided they are not allowed to practice during the period of their course.

Note 01: The scholarship shall be awarded on a year-to-year basis subject to passing the stage/year/semesters.

Note 02: A Student, who fails to complete a particular full course for which he/she had been awarded this scholarship on a year-to-year basis, and joins any other recognized Professional or Technical/Certificate/Diploma/ Degree courses, may be granted the scholarship, but only for the period subsequent to the period to which they have already received the scholarship amount.

Note 03: If a student fails in a class for more than one year the scholarship for subsequent years will be stopped.

Note 04: If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the sanctioning authority. The student concerned shall be blacklisted and debarred from applying for a scholarship under any scheme of the Department of Social Welfare, thereafter.

Note 05: A scholar is liable to refund the scholarship amount at the direction of the Andaman & Nicobar Administration, if during the course of the year the study for which the scholarship has been awarded, is discontinued by him/her.

Renewal of Scholarship:

  1. It will be renewed on a year-to-year basis provided that within a course, which is continuous for a number of years, the scholar secures promotion to the next higher class.
  2. If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and /or on account of any other unforeseeable event, the award may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of a medical certificate and /or other required sufficient proof with the recommendation of the Head of the Institution.
  3. If according to the Regulations of a University/Institution, a student is promoted to the next level then, he/she will be entitled to a scholarship for the class to which he /she is promoted provided the student is otherwise eligible for scholarship.


  1. Students after completing/passing one stage/level of education/course and repeating the same stage/level of education/course in a different subject/stream shall not be eligible for this scholarship. e.g. B.Sc. after B.A or B.Com after B.A or M.A. in a subject after pursuing an M.A. or its equivalent in another subject.
  2. Students after completing their education in one professional course and desirous to pursue another professional course, (e.g. LLB after B.T/B.Ed.) shall also not be eligible for this scholarship.

Note: This scholarship shall, however, not be granted for the courses funded by the Central Government or State Government or UT Administration viz, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Course, Private Pilot Licence Course, Courses at Training Ship Dufferin (Now Rejendra), Courses/trainings at all the Defence Academies (funded by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India), Pre-Examination Training Centre and all distance education courses.

Application Process


Step 01: The students applying for the scholarship for the first time need to “Register” using the icon “New Registration” at the NSP Portal URL –, by providing accurate and correct information as per their documents.

Step 02: After successfully get registration done, students will get their “Student Registration ID”.

Step 03: Through “Student Registration ID” students will be able to login into the account using the icon “Fresh Application” at NSP Portal.

Step 04: After successful login to the portal, the welcome page appeared. On clicking the “Application Form” icon, students will be directed to the application screen.

Step 05: Now, the students may fill out the complete application form and on clicking the “Final Submit” button, the application is finally submitted.

Step 06: On successful submission of the application, a system-generated registration number is sent to the students which can be used for future reference.

Note: The Department shall announce the details of the scheme and invite applications in May-June, every year, by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers of the UT and through other suitable media.

Documents Required

  1. Passport-size photograph
  2. Certificates of Class X/XII Diploma/Degree etc., in respect of the qualifying examination
  3. Caste certificate signed by an authorized revenue officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar
  4. Non-creamy Layer Certificate signed by an authorized Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar
  5. Income Certificate
  6. In case an applicant was in receipt of a scholarship under this scheme in the preceding year, receipt of acknowledgment of the scholarship in the previous year
  7. Copy of marks statement duly counter-signed by the Head of the Institution concerned for renewal of the scholarship
  8. Copy of Aadhaar Card
  9. First page of bank passbook
  10. Any other documents, as required

Frequently Asked Questions